GAC President History

We have fortunately been in existence since 1975! This is only possible with the volunteers especially the board members and our presidents who dedicate time and energy to enable our community to connect, share German heritage and have fun times. Special thanks to all!

Past Presidents of the German-American Club of the Carolinas:

2024-Current Gundolf Platzek

2021-2023 Beate Pirchmoser

2018-2021 Karsten Ingwerson

2014-2017 Dirk Schlingmann

2001-2013 Beate Pirchmoser

2000-2001 Udo Starke

1999 Eugenie Bierbrauer

1998 Kingsley Martin

1996/97 Elizabeth Belenchia

1995 Stefanie Bock

1994 Ute Rainer-Schmitt

1993 Andreas Fuchs

1992 Udo Skarke

1991 Steven Mathis

1990 Don Frank

1988/89 Mario Schenkel

1987 Jochen Schoellkopf

1986 Adrienne Archambo

1984/85 Michael Jilling

1983 Jochem Schoellkopf

1982 Goetz Steinmetz

1980/81 Ed Brenschede

1978/79 Fritz Mezger

1977 Maarten Ankersmit

1975/76 Mario Schenkel