Thank you for inquiring about membership in the German-American Club of the Carolinas. Paid members contribute to the ongoing operation of the club, events, and reduced entrance fees for some club events. “Friends” are non-paying members who have no other privileges other than announcement emails. Our board consists of volunteers.

The club has year-round events which are announced on our GAC website, Facebook, and monthly emails. We are family oriented and appreciate your involvement to make this an active and fun club.

Another event is the monthly “Stammtisch”. Members and friends gather for dinner and conversation at a local restaurant. Usually occurs the first Thursday of the month. You do not need to be a member to attend. See the Stammtisch page for where we are meeting.

We hope you consider joining us and look forward to meeting you. Our membership dues are for the Calendar year are:

Single (1 person) $30
Family (2+ persons) $50
Student ie College (1 person) $15
Children are free

Please complete this “APPLICATION FORM

There are several ways to return the form and payment whether new or renewal, as outlined on the form:

To get us the form: mail to address below, or bring to an event or email form to

For payment: mail check (no cash) to address below, or bring payment to an event or our preferred most secure method is bank transfer through ZELLE to  Include comment that it is for membership fee.  

2153 E. Main St.  Ste C14 PMB 379,    Duncan, SC 29334

A German-American Club board member can/will be happy to contact you to answer any questions. (There is no online submission process.) Please don't hesitate to Contact Us (click on).