April 3 join us at TeaStar Thai Cafe

351 East Henry St, Spartanburg

Greer International Festival April 26

Club will be selling bratwurst and hot dogs at this event from 11am-5pm as a fund raiser. We need volunteers to help grill & serve. 9am, Noon & 3pm Shifts. Contact Hannelore SecretaryGACCarolinas@gmail.com


2025 Club Membership due January 31

Dues remain the same cost! Let’s have a great year. Vielen Dank !

Please mail check to address below, or through your bank send via Zelle to gaccarolinas@yahoo.com, or bring payment to an event, such as Stammtisch.  If you are new to club, welcome, and please complete membership information.  

  • Family   --------- $50 - for 1 or more adults and unlimited children under 19 yrs

  • Single    --------- $30 - for 1 adult     

  • Student --------- $15 - Enrolled College students

    2153 E. Main St.  Ste C14 PMB 379
    Duncan, South Carolina 29334


You can join SKAT karten spielen at Hans & Franz Biergarten every Tuesday at 6:30 PM.

SKAT is the national card game of Germany. It’s a three-handed, trick-taking card game of the Ace-Ten family, devised in 1810 in Altenburg.  Beginners are welcome!

Willkommen!  Welcome! The German-American Club of the Carolinas was founded in 1975 to bring together people in the Upstate region of South and North Carolina who are interested in sharing and celebrating German culture. The club members come from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the United States, and many other countries from around the world. This cultural diversity provides interesting conversations at meetings and social gatherings. Our mission is to promote German Heritage, traditions, and Gemütlichkeit.

Active all year long, the club hosts and participates in social events like its monthly Stammtisch, a Christmas Nikolausfeier, Sommerfest, Spartanburg’s International festival and many more.

The GAC is a non-profit club serving its’ members. The GAC board is made of volunteers which are elected by members at an annual meeting. We appreciate your interest in helping club with events, administrative activities, and share ideas. Our ByLaws and any other administrative information can be requested through our Contact page. Any donations to the club are are very much appreciated but are not tax deductible.

Please continue to visit us here or on Facebook: “The German-American Club of the Carolinas for current events and news.

Click here if interested in Advertising on the GAC website and Facebook sites.

2153 E. Main St.  Ste C14 PMB 379
Duncan, South Carolina 29334